Rollin painting in the Sierra foothills, late 1940s
Glenna reading to Rollin as he paints, 1948
Rollin Painting Shaver Lake, early 1950s
Rollin painting with sons Jeff and Loren in California’s Gold Country, early 1950s
Rollin painting with sons Jeff and Loren near Santa Cruz, early 1950s
Rollin painting near Fresno, late 1950s
Rollin and Joel painting in backyard studio, early 1960s
Rollin painting an oil canvas in Carmel, late 1960s
Rollin painting near Morro Bay, 1972
“I always tell my students to let the water do it. Water will do beautiful things if you just leave it alone.”
-Rollin Pickford
“Most people would throw away a brush like this, but I wouldn’t take a thousand dollars for it.”
-Rollin Pickford
“When you draw a fig tree it looks like a fig tree. When those New York artists in the tall buildings try to draw one, it looks like a cherry tree or any old miscellaneous kind of tree.”